Toy Boogers 2023 Overview

Toy Boogers
5 min readJan 6, 2023


Our plans for 2023 revolve around three core initiatives. The three primary focuses are: 1. Continue developing the cartoon series, 2. Creating a very limited-edition, prize and burn-focused art collection called “Toys and Treasures,” 3. Expanding within the metaverse.

1. Continue developing the cartoon series

In January 2021, Toy Boogers and TIME Studios entered into a partnership contract to develop a cartoon series together. Over the last year, we have assembled a team at TIME Studios to flesh-out and create the characters, worlds, and stories of the episodes. We’re really excited about what we have created and as our next step we plan to partner with a media network to produce the series. This is the same model and production plan that TIME Studios is using with the animated series for Robotos and the Littles as well. Partnering with the right network and getting the cartoon into studio production is a top priority, but is happening largely behind the scenes at the moment. I can’t wait until we are ready to release sneak peaks of the characters and stories soon!

2. Creating “Toys and Treasures,” a very limited-edition art collection

The next step for Toy Boogers is to create a new and ongoing, limited-edition, prize and burn-focused NFT art collection. Edition pieces will be gamified with Manifold’s burnable mechanics to allow collectors to burn and exchange NFTs for more rare editions and even 1/1s.

This is an art-focused collection that is designed to reward active holders with prizes and will have fun burn mechanics, starting with an open edition. This will be an exciting opportunity for community members to collect very limited art pieces. This collection will not be a large mint and it will not be released all at once, rather it will be created slowly over time. Toys and Treasures will start within Q1, and more details will be announced towards the end of January.

3. Expanding within the metaverse

Our initial Sandbox plot design and game quest is complete and is pending Sandbox approvals for opening it to the public. We also have plans to further develop our Sandbox plot, develop more plots, create more games, lore, content, and collectibles. Yes, in addition to developing metaverse land, we also want to create Toy Boogers metaverse collectibles. The first of which will be Sandbox assets such as equipment and wearables. Who wouldn’t want a Unicorn Poop Helmet or a Ninja Sword, or some Spray Paint, Firecrackers, and other fun stuff like that? The launch date is TBD and is largely dependent on Sandbox’s own development schedule and opening to the pubic. We are estimating that we will have more news and potential developments on this front during the second quarter of 2023.

2021-2022 Review: Major Accomplishments So Far

Toy Boogers is just over one year old and we’re very proud of the accomplishments we have achieved so far, of our team, and our community. Let’s explore what we’ve accomplished and what we are working on building next!

1. Creation and drop of the Toy Boogers genesis collection in Nov 2021.

2. Signed a Partnership deal with TIME Studios to develop an animated series based on Toy Boogers’ characters, backstory, and universe.

3. Collaborated so far with over 20 projects in which Toy Boogers traits and special 1/1s were added into other collections.

4. Creation, collaboration, and successful drop of the Kitbash Boogers collection. This is an epic accomplishment and collaboration between four top projects in the web3 space: Toy Boogers, Cool Cats, Deadfellaz and Robotos.

5. Creation of our first Sandbox Plot and Game Experience with ARQONIX Metavoxel Studios, which will serve as the starting point for our long-term metaverse development, ecosystem, and social hub.

6. Creation of our Toy Stash collection based on Stash the hamster, which is currently 32% minted.

So many variations of Toy Stash!

Toy Stash Collection Update

We are very proud of our latest drop “Toy Stash” which is our first generative project. Toy Stash is based on our beloved hamster named Stash who made his first appearance in the original Toy Boogers collection. This collection expands the art, lore, and character of Stash, who we’ve revealed as “the Mastermind” behind what is happening in the Toy Boogers universe.

The Toy Stash collection consists of 11,111 NFTs. Holders of Toy Boogers and Kitbash Boogers have one free Toy Stash claim for each Toy Boogers or Kitbash Boogers NFT held and the rest are open for minting. You can check the “Claim Status” for any Toy Booger or Kitbash Booger on the official Toy Boogers website ( by entering the NFT number, or by connecting with the wallet that holds them to check their claim status. We have set the mint price intentionally low at .025 Eth. We wanted to provide our collectors the opportunity to more easily purchase multiple Toy Stash NFTs beyond their free claims, while also making it easy for potential new collectors to join the Toy Boogers family. We believe having a slow-minting, low-price mint that is easily accessible to whoever wants to join our community is helpful during the difficult times of this bear market. NFT collecting can be fun and accessible in any particular market.

Toy Boogers Membership

“Membership” within the “Toy Boogers Fam” is one and the same regardless of which one of our three main NFT collections is held: Toy Boogers, Kitbash Boogers, or Toy Stash. However, holding more than one collection can offer additional benefits for obtaining pieces from the upcoming “Toys and Treasures” limited art collection.

Our Three Membership Collections: Toy Boogers, Kitbash Boogers, and Toy Stash



Toy Boogers
Toy Boogers

Written by Toy Boogers

Toy Boogers is a NFT brand with several collections, a web3 community, and a developing universe with an animated series deal in development with TIME Studios.

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